So this has been an interesting week. I've certainly lost some weight. To reward myself, I went shopping over the weekend and bought a new dress. My friends, the dress is fabulous. It's the kind of dress that makes me, a very minimalist, short-hair, no-nail polish because it takes too long kind of girl want to paint my toe nails, put on mascara, and wear high heels.
It's the kind of dress that makes you feel like a million dollars. It was a $200 BCBG dress on sale for $50. It wouldn't have mattered if it were $10. The thing was just engineered for me: perfectly tailored for my chest, stomach, and hips. When I wore it out Monday, I felt sorry for every other girl that didn't have it on themselves.
And the funny thing is, I didn't care if anyone else liked it. I liked it so much, it didn't matter one whit about anyone else. That, my friends, is a powerful dress. Every woman should have a dress like this. I wish that I had a whole closet full of them.
But back to the diet. I'd say it's been a good 10 days of dieting, and the last 2 days I have been sliding down that slippery chocolatey slope of desire. I had a drumstick last night. Tonight's treat of choice was a Twix. I figured, ah, what the hell, my shorts are about to fall off my waist. Can't I have a little reward?
The body makeover book suggests that one should reward oneself over milestones, just not with food.
To give me further incentive to exercise (ha!) I ordered a heart monitor online. I'm one of these geeky, organizing kind of freaks, and it just made more sense that I could know where my target heart rate was at all times so I could exercise as efficiently (and therefore as little) as possible. Amazon mailed it off Monday, so hopefully it will get here soon.
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