Sunday, December 12, 2004

What I should have been doing

Blogging has been non-existent for the last few months, as I have been deluged with work, and when not working, wanting to be as far away from the computer as possible. Also, I have been getting sick every other week, and just now am getting over a wicked, wicked cold. But I've been doing a lot of "mind-blogging" while I've been away, in which I've been composing deep, wonderful posts while sweating out the fever, or while staring at the computer screen doing my real job.

Here are some of the topics:

1.) Bellisario Boys: Where are the heroes of today? In which I analyze, compare and contrast Donald P. Bellisario's tv male leads in Battlestar Galactica, Magnum P.I. and Quantum Leap (I have not watched JAG). I also bitterly complain about his inability to write strong female characters. And I marvel at how good Thomas Magnum looked in the early episodes of Magnum PI.

2.) The Coughing Diet: in where I tell of how I've lost weight due my body's newfound ability to cough every other three seconds, thereby eliminating any desire or time to stuff food in my mouth. I leave out the part where I have just sent out a companion to get potato chips and cookies for me, because I am finally feeling better.

3.) Far East, Man: In where I contemplate and introduce my new plan of physical fitness, starting out with my adventures in acupuncture (which I don't believe in but it works, somehow) and my signing up of Tai Chi.

Wow, I thought I had done more mind blogging than that! Maybe I have but I just access the files right now. The cold fatigue is coming back. Must go tank up on water. I hope to be back soon.