Friday, September 23, 2005

A week of slothfullness

It started last week with a phone call from an old girlfriend. "Come up and visit!" She said. "We'll have a great one-day reunion with you, me and Mary."

We had a great time, except for that fact that we visited with Mary and her family, and her Mama can cook. Mary can cook, and it was her sister Raita's birthday, so they had a reason to celebrate and show off their prowess in the kitchen.

How could I be rude? I was sa guest. So I ate. Ate and ate. Come home the next day, ate some more. Got slammed with work, and out went the exercise plan, out went the menu and out went the belly. I didn't even have time to go to Yoga.

I just polished off a two packs of M&M's and a KitKat bar.

Oh, the shame, the shame. Tomorrow, back to yoga, and to the diet.

1 comment:

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